About Us

Mission Statement

The Student Support Team Association for Georgia Educators provides leadership through collaboration, learning, and advocacy to enhance educator effectiveness and student success.

Vision Statement

Effective solutions matched to student needs.

We Believe In

What is SSTAGE?

We are hundreds of Georgia education professionals, of all types, who have joined together.  We have a vested interest in seeing that Student Support Teams (SST) and the Response To Intervention (RTI) process are used to their best effect to maximize the success of school children and youth.

Where did SSTAGE come from?

The year 2019 was the 35th anniversary of the birth of Student Support Teams (SST) in Georgia, mandated in a federal court case, Marshall v. Georgia.  With only a basic state board rule on SST, local control of the process and no state funding, schools had been perennially in need of leadership and training opportunities.  Scattered SST consortia were insufficient to meet this demand.  A diverse group of forward-looking educators met regionally for six years, finally discerning that compelling conditions throughout Georgia called for a statewide SST association.  In February 2007, SSTAGE, the Student Support Team Association for Georgia Educators, was created and incorporated.