Engage with SSTAGE

Ancient wisdom tells us that there are three kinds of people in the world:

Where do you fit in there?  Are you a “do-er?”  Are you just a pedestrian on the highway of life?  All cheeky classifications aside, you are a person who has much to contribute, and your contributions are needed!  Let 2011 be the year when you got involved ~somewhere, anywhere~ at a level higher than you did last year.  Think of it as a developmental stage - of yours!

We invite you to engage with SSTAGE. There are multiple ways that you can become a most valuable player with us.  Repeat after me:  “I can…”

“I can… Join SSTAGE

“I can… Participate in an SSTAGE committee.”

“I can… Participate at the regional level in SSTAGE.”

“I can… Attend an SSTAGE conference or workshop.”

“I can… Answer the Call for Proposals for next year’s Best Practices Conference and have my school(s) apply to be considered for an SSTAGE award.”

“I can… Participate with SSTAGE on Twitter; follow along @GaSSTAGE.”

A final bit of wisdom, verified by countless people:  “the more you give, the more comes back to you.

If you are interested in serving on an SSTAGE committee contact Joan Whitehead, Executive Director.