Governance & Nominating Committee
The Governance Committee is co-chaired by the President-Elect and an active member of SSTAGE. The Governance Committee presents all policy and procedures to the Board for approval. The Committee also communicates any proposed changes to the By-Laws to the SSTAGE membership for approval.
Strategic Purpose:
To ensure that the governing documents and policies of the organization are up to date, consistent, and that they meet the objectives and mission of SSTAGE; to guide the Executive Board, Board of Directors, Executive Director, and members in matters dealing with interpretation and recommended changes in the governing documents and policies.
To examine and originate proposals for review or amendments to the governing documents and policies of the organization.
To review the form of policy changes prepared by other Committees of the Board and assist in preparing resolutions that are to be presented to the members and region representative at the Annual Business Meeting, amending the governing documents, and the policies of the organization.
The Nominating Committee is chaired by the President-Elect and a minimum of five professional members – one from each SSTAGE region. The role of the Nominating Committee is to encourage members to run for office and to conduct the election in accordance with the policy and procedures for elections.
Strategic Purpose:
To ensure that the Board conducts a fair election for the Board of Directors and is in compliance with the Board Nomination and Election Process.
To recruit individuals as Board members who are committed to the mission and governing process of SSTAGE.
To assemble and submit a slate of candidates to the members.